The support of a wide range of both internal and external authentication systems allows IT admins to choose between Active Directory, CAS, eDirectory, LDAP, OpenLDAP, SAML, internal database authenticator, authentication system by device, IP, MAC, Hostname… Again, several can be used simultaneously, we can go even one step further enabling splitted authentication.
If the OS, hypervisor and authenticator we’re going to use are Open Source, we’ll be able to configure a VDI deployment without licensing, since UDS Enterprise doesn’t require any license, it is commercialized through a subscription model based on numer of users featuring support and product updates.
In addition to virtual desktops, UDS Enterprise enables to deploy and administer phisical desktops, applications and any other Windows and Linux remote desktop service.
For further information about system requirements to build a platform with UDS Enterprise you can email our team at [email protected]