VDI with UDS Enterprise at USAL, finalist in CNIS Awards

by | Nov 23, 2021

The project of the University of Salamanca (USAL) to implement eLearning and remote working with UDS Enterprise VDI technology is one of the finalists of the CNIS Awards 2021. Last week, the jury of the XI CNIS Congress disclosed the list of organizations that will compete for the different awards, and announced that our client is a candidate for the Award for the Best Remote Working Experience in the COVID Period.

The USAL candidacy has been chosen from around one hundred applicants who presented their initiatives. Under the title “Teaching tools accessible remotely for the entire university community,” this University explained how it implemented an innovative technology to provide 24×7 remote access to the whole software catalog for students, professors, research, administrative, and service personnel. After launching a complete platform with UDS Enterprise, users can work with all programs and applications regardless of where they are and the device they use. The infrastructure combines virtual desktops with application virtualization and remote access to the 2,000 computers located on campus.

This academic year 2021-2022, USAL has resumed 100% face-to-face teaching in all scenarios in which it is possible to comply with the capacity and safety regulations established. But far from this implying less use of the remote access portal, it contributes its use to increase since teachers are incorporating the VDI solution as an extra tool. In addition, students use their virtual desktops more every day to perform tasks that previously required them to travel to college as they did not have the necessary software to accomplish them from home.

Consequently, virtual desktops are increasingly in demand since teachers are getting used to using them in combination with classroom practices. For their part, students use them throughout the day to carry out the tasks or projects of their degrees, enjoying the comfort of being able to do them at the time and from the place that suits them best.

The academic and economic management team is also taking more advantage of the implementation of the new virtualization infrastructure. This is thanks to the fact that the IT team is progressively adding applications to the catalog of virtualized vApp. In this way, they can enjoy all the advantages that this technology provides, such as enabling remote working.

The improvement in efficiency, in cybersecurity, the automation of tasks, and cost savings are some of the aspects that stand out from the USAL candidacy. This complete platform, including VDI, virtual applications, and remote access, has become an essential and indispensable tool for all user groups at the University of Salamanca.

We will have to wait until this Friday to find out if the University of Salamanca gets one of the XI CNIS Awards 2021. On November 26 the names of the lucky winners will be revealed at a gala that will take place in the Auditorium of La Nave in Madrid, within the framework of CNIS Congress 2021



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