XCP-ng Forum, Evita project & IDC Awards

by | Feb 4, 2020

In our post today we gather the most read articles in our blog during the past month of January so that you can keep up to date with the most outstanding news of the VDI and Open Source sector.

First we find the article that talks about the thread in the XCP-ng forum that specifically talks about the compatibility of UDS Enterprise and the Open Source hypervisor based on XenServer. There, users can make any type of query about the interoperability of both solutions or about the characteristics, functionalities or technical doubts when implementing our VDI broker.

Below is the article that details the architecture of the project Virtual Desktop for Special Education (EVITA) developed by the University of Murcia (UMU). It is an interesting initiative to improve the accessibility of students with some type of disability or learning difficulties to the computer tools that make their study much easier. The team of the Area of Information Technology and Applied Communications (ATICA) of the UMU has trusted UDS Enterprise as the cornerstone of EVITA.

In the last position of our ranking of the most read articles during January is the publication announcing that our application virtualization project in the Jaen Provincial Council was chosen finalist in the IDC Research Spain Awards to the Innovative Company 2020 in the category of Workplace Transformation. This public administration uses UDS Enterprise to provide technological tools and centralize the management and maintenance of software for the 97 municipalities and 40 remote offices spread throughout the province.

Here are the links to these articles, in case you haven’t yet had the opportunity to read them:

VDI with UDS Enterprise in the XCP-ng forum

EVITA VDI project with UDS Enterprise: Architecture

UDS is finalist in the IDC Innovative Company Awards 2020

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