Zero-day vulnerability in LDAP amplifies DDoS attacks

by | Oct 28, 2016

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Security

Corero Network Security identified a zero-day vulnerability in LDAP protocol that enables to amplify Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS) 50 times, making them much more effective and much more difficult to mitigate.

This protocol, mainly used in Windows Server Active Directory administration tool has become an ally for cybercriminals, that leverage vulnerable servers supporting LDAP to bounce junk traffic to a server with a single IP address, so the service is overcrowded and stops working.

Apart from LDAP, attackers use other protocols to increase the scope of their DDoS offensives. Last year the most used were NetBIOS, RPC, Sentinel, DNSSEC and TFTP.

Source: Redes Zone



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