75% of companies run on Open Source

by | Dec 15, 2015

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

Black Duck Software and North Bridge have unveiled their annual survey on the Future of Open Source. The results reflect an increasing adoption and highlight the great number of organizations which are contributing with the Open Source community.

The need for formal policies and management is growing as open source use becomes increasingly mainstream.

The increase in Open Source use accross industries and companies of all sizes has reached an all-time high. Even companies that may have historically relied on more proprietary technologies are planning to contribute in Open Source projects.

75% of respondents said their companies run part or all of its operations on OSS and 66 % said their company creates software for customers built on open source. This statistic has nearly doubled since 2010.

93% said their organization’s use of open source increased or remained the same in the past year. 64% of companies currently participate in open source projects and 88% are expected to increase contributions to open source projects.

As a representative data, more than 66% consider OSS before other options.

VirtualCable also supports the use of Open Source. Our software UDS Enterprise is Open Source based and we get contributions and suggestions from the community which are incorporated to the product roadmap.



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