Montreal public administration migrates to Free Software

by | May 23, 2018

The public administration of the city of Montreal (Canada) has announced its intention to abandon the use of proprietary software in favor of Free Software. A change that is motivated by the benefits of such a software model, such as the possibility of improving its IT services by promoting transparency and capacity of choice.

To begin the process, they have defined different lines of action to bring new technologies to the local administration, and provide a better service to citizens thanks to Free Software. Among them, they emphasize the intention to contribute to making IT solutions have a higher quality and security, promote the reuse of technological solutions developed by and for the city, or allow both local suppliers and local administration staff take an active part in the development of Open Source software and hardware.

The IT department of Montreal places special stress on the multiple advantages of Free Software. They cite, for example, the security of information, the possibility of pooling solutions with other members of the community, data resilience, provider independence and the development of an industry own software.

In addition, the local administration has committed to all the software developed for the city to be distributed under free licenses. Montreal already has a GitHub page where all the information related to this initiative is collected.

Source: La Mirada del Replicante


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