New version of OpenGnsys: bug fix

by | Sep 18, 2017

A few days ago, we talked to you in this post about the interesting news incorporated in the version 1.1.0 of the cloud orchestrator OpenGnsys. In today's article, we collect the improvements that have been introduced in correcting some features and functionalities of the previous version.

This release includes Vagrant virtualization environments for development and testing in a controlled virtual environment, and for testing installation on different server Oss. In this way, you can configure your own environment consisting of a set of virtual machines with OPnGN server and a set of predefined clients.

In addition, a REST API has been added to both, the OpenGnsys main service and some of its components to offer a set of operations that allow you to customize the presentation or execution of operations.

The states are another of the characteristics that present important improvements. The OS service has been replaced by a new agent ready to be installed on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. This agent has two different parts so that both administrators and users can execute commands. Thanks to these innovations, Windows and Linux system administrators will be able to see if the user has logged in or is pending. The new agent will also allow the execution of new commands, such as sending scripts, launching a Firefox browser on a user’s screen, installing or uninstalling software, copying files, sending a message to a remote user or remote maintenance on PCs that have the agent installed.

The project development team, made up of staff from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, University of Huelva, University of Málaga, Polytechnic University of Valencia, University of Seville and University of Zaragoza, continues to work to improve day by day the project. Among the next advances, a digital certificate of type https “Let’s Encrypt” will be included for the main web server of the project.

For more information, you can see the complete presentation of Ramón Gómez Labrador during RedIRIS Technical Conference held last June in Santander here.



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