Red Hat releases new development tools

by | Jun 7, 2016

Red Hat announced the availability of new tools for developers: Red Hat Software Collections 2.2 and Red Hat Developer Toolset 4.1.

Red Hat Software Collections 2.2 inludes Open Source web development tools, dynamic languages, and databases. This set of tools aims at bridge developer agility and production stability by helping to accelerate the creation of modern applications that can then be more confidently deployed into production.

Red Hat Developer Toolset 4.1 enables access to some of the latest, stable Open Source C and C++ compilers and complementary development and performance profiling tools. This toolset lets developers to compile applications once and deploy across multiple versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

These new releases are already available for customers and partners with active Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscriptions and for Red Hat Developer Program members. Developers interested in Linux containers can find most Red Hat Software Collections available as Dockerfiles and Docker-formatted images at Red Hat Customer Portal.

For further information, see the official announcement



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