Architecnologia, a website focused on open learning

by | Apr 27, 2021

There are many blogs about technology. Highly exploited niches such as free software, or hardware components, security, electronics, etc. On the other hand, Architecnologia is a site somewhat different from the rest. It is not specialized in a single topic but covers different ones that are perhaps not so frequent on the web.

That is what makes this portal interesting, that touch that makes an ordinary blog become something unique. Obviously, this has its drawbacks since the topics discussed are perhaps not so popular, but it does serve as a home for all those users who are orphaned of information by not finding it elsewhere.

What is the goal of Architechnologia?

The objective of Architecnologí, or AT, is none other than to share knowledge in an open way for all those who want to learn or find out about the different subjects that are covered in this blog. Regardless of the number of visits, but rather the quality of the articles and offer readers what is not usually so frequent on other sites.

In principle, the articles are aimed at all types of readers, regardless of the level of knowledge they have on the subject. Most articles explain the topic in simple language and with examples to make them understandable, even if they are complex.

Some are published in the form of series, with a succession of parts until the whole subject is completely covered, such as the series on programming, on Linux, etc.

Why was AT created?

The objective of the creation of Architecnologia was another very different in its origin. In the beginning, it would be a blog aimed at publishing news and articles on technology in general. But after some time without activity, it was relaunched to deal with particular issues that seemed forgotten on the Internet.

Content that you can find in Architecnologia

The content of the blog is not only intended to inform or generate tutorials without further purpose. It is always done from an ethical and moral perspective, raising awareness of such vital issues like gender equality, the environment, or directing some articles to a subject as critical as the technological dependence of Europe. That said, the most frequent topics in Architechnologia are:

Certifications for sysadmins (LPI or Linux Professional Institute, Linux Foundation, CompTIA,…).

Generic topics about the Linux kernel and environments based on it.

Computer architecture (ISA, microarchitectures, microelectronics…), especially focused on RISC-V.

HPC or supercomputing, as well as green computing.

Programming (C, Bash scripting, VHDL, …).

Security and hacking.

• And much more…

Type of readers to whom the blog is directed

It is aimed at users of all kinds, regardless of their level of knowledge. Obviously, due to some topics covered, use of terminology, etc., it may be somewhat less understandable for some of them.

In addition, in the interviews that I have carried out as the author of the site, I have realized that there is a minority sector of readers who are interested in architecture topics. Still, those that do exist are pretty helpless, so they are very grateful to find a space like this…

Check its official website and leave us your opinion about this interesting blog.



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