Public & private organizations rely on UDS Enterprise

Public & private organizations rely on UDS Enterprise

More and more companies and entities decide using UDS Enterprise multiplatform broker to deploy desktop services, such as virtual and remote desktops, applications, IP Phone…

This is the case of many Spanish universities, that usually look for an Open Source connection broker that provides flexibility and scalability to their virtualization platform. These features, together with a competitive subscription system and an efficient support team, have positioned UDS Enterprise as a leader solution in this sector.

Hyper-V, ESXi & XenServer comparison

Hyper-V, ESXi & XenServer comparison

The choice of the hypervisor that best meets business’ needs is a great dilemma for companies when deploying a virtualization platform.

The best solution is not the same for all companies, it depends on the specific requirements in each case. If you need a simple virtualization platform, Microsoft Hyper-V or VMware ESXi free versions may be appropiate for you. They are two of the most popular hypervisors and they feature professional support and updates. On the other hand, Citrix XenServer has interesting advantages for Linux users.

UDS Enterprise supports any connection protocol

UDS Enterprise supports any connection protocol

UDS Enterprise enables the deployment of virtual & remote desktops, applications and other Windows and Linux services.

The connection to these services may be performed using a wide range of connection protocols; this multiplatform connection broker offers nearly unlimited possibilities in that respect.

UDS Enterprise supports currently RDP, XRDP, RemoteFX, RGS, NX, HTML5 and the 1.9 software version features SPICE support

DefCore, OpenStack’s interoperability project

DefCore, OpenStack’s interoperability project

DefCore defines the capabilities, code & tests productos labelled as OpenStack must pass, thus creating a standard and the minimum requirements these solutions must meet.

It is a way of increasing user’s trust guaranteeing that those projects which aren’t mature enough to become part of OpenStack’s ecosystem are filtered if they don’t meet the defined standards.

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