New UDS connector for vCenter: Automatic power on & snapshots

New UDS connector for vCenter: Automatic power on & snapshots

One of the improvements already incorporated in the latest stable version of UDS Enterprise is a new connector for vCenter. It has been designed to add advanced management capabilities to fixed machine pools.

As you know, these machines must exist within the VMware platform. In this case, UDS Enterprise is not responsible for its creation. The function of the broker is to add an important layer of administration and automation focused mainly on the tasks specified in this post.

8 Reasons to use a virtual machine for automated testing

8 Reasons to use a virtual machine for automated testing

Automation testing, also known as test automation, is an evolving trend in the software industry. It helps to increase the effectiveness of software testing by enhancing execution speeds and coverage. It has replaced manual testing that takes a lot of time to execute.

Test automation does more than testing software. It analyzes the data entered into the system quickly and displays the results. It goes further to compare the expected and actual results before generating a detailed report. All this happens quicker than with manual testing, making it a preferred testing method.

A practice that’s also growing today is the use of virtual machines for automated testing. Quality Assurance (QA) teams use this method to reduce automatic testing costs. This article explains the reasons why your QA testing team should implement virtual machines for automation testing.

Read below to find out more.

Wake on LAN with UDS Enterprise: Advanced settings

Wake on LAN with UDS Enterprise: Advanced settings

In the last article published on our blog we announced the incorporation of support for Wake on LAN technology (WoL) to turn on physical devices remotely with UDS Enterprise. This post will indicate the main possibilities offered by this new feature thanks to its combination with other intrinsic functionalities of the connection broker for desktop, application virtualization, and remote access to computers.

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