Wake on LAN with UDS Enterprise: Advanced settings

Wake on LAN with UDS Enterprise: Advanced settings

In the last article published on our blog we announced the incorporation of support for Wake on LAN technology (WoL) to turn on physical devices remotely with UDS Enterprise. This post will indicate the main possibilities offered by this new feature thanks to its combination with other intrinsic functionalities of the connection broker for desktop, application virtualization, and remote access to computers.

UDS supports Wake on LAN to turn on computers remotely

UDS supports Wake on LAN to turn on computers remotely

UDS Enterprise is already capable of starting physical devices remotely automatically, regardless their operating system. The popular connection broker integrates a new development that allows sending Wake on LAN (WoL) to the computers. When a user requests access to a machine, the system sends the order. It executes the appropriate processes to start it without human intervention or the need for third-party software.

UDS for eLearning, ASLAN Awards, and OpenNebula 6.0

UDS for eLearning, ASLAN Awards, and OpenNebula 6.0

The educational environment takes on a special role in the Top 3 of the most read articles on our blog last April. The first two publications are related to this sector. And it is not surprising since the support has been mutual since the launch of the first version of this software for desktop, application virtualization, and remote access. The educational organizations have always supported the optimal performance and the advantages of implementing UDS Enterprise. The broker team, for its part, has made an effort to meet all their needs.

VDI for healthcare with UDS reaches the final of the ASLAN Awards

VDI for healthcare with UDS reaches the final of the ASLAN Awards

Two initiatives with UDS Enterprise are finalists of the ASLAN Awards for Digital Transformation in Public Administrations. To the University of Cantabria’s UNICAN Labs project adds that of Los Arcos del Mar Menor General University Hospital. The latter is up for the award in the IT infrastructure virtualization category.

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