UDS Enterprise in XXV RedIRIS Technical Conference

UDS Enterprise in XXV RedIRIS Technical Conference

The City of Caceres hosted last week the 25th RedIRIS Technical Conference, involving more than 400 ICT experts from different institutions. As usual, the Technical Conference sessions were preceded by Working Groups, where the objective was to share the experiences of different universities, research centres and other institutions.

The DOCENCIA-NET Working Group dealt with Virtual Ecosystems and two sessions focused on UDS Enterprise software.

Tips to make the most of Open Source software

Tips to make the most of Open Source software

Many companies and governments around the world already use Open Source software. This alternative to proprietary software has some obvious advantages from the economic point of view. But, you can get much more out of it. To do this, it is recommended to have a technology partner involved in Open Source developments, having staff with experience in this area and training the employees who will manage the project.

It is also important to carry out our developments without modifying the source code, so that we will always be able to count on the support of the community and we will be able to implement the improvements that are introduced.

For more information, have a look at this article that introduces some interesting tips:

6 tips for adopting open source

Open Source VDI platforms, Fedora, CentOS & OpenSUSE 13.2

Open Source VDI platforms, Fedora, CentOS & OpenSUSE 13.2

The formula to get rid of proprietary systems to deploy a desktop virtualization platform, the new operating systems supported by UDS Enterprise and OpenSUSE 13.2 in KDE or Gnome desktops have been the most interesting topics for our readers during the last two weeks.

If you didn’t have the chance to read these posts, here you are the links, so don’t miss the most outstanding information according to our followers:

How to deploy a fully Open Source virtual platform

UDS Enterprise will support Fedora & CentOS

OpenSUSE 13.2 in KDE and Gnome desktops

Issues in the management of user profiles in VDI environments

Issues in the management of user profiles in VDI environments

The data, documents and application configurations of the user are saved in the user profile when the user is working with a Windows desktop. Different information is stored in the user profile, such as:

 -Desktop appearance, desktop background, themes, screen configuration, use of Aero in Windows 7, etc.

 -Application configuration, navigator preferences, tool bars, office software tool configurations, etc.

 -Documents. These documents are stored in the “My documents” folder of the user profile.

Recovering virtual hard disk space in VMware server

Recovering virtual hard disk space in VMware server

Today we bring you an interesting article that explains how to clean up snapshot files to free disk space in VMware server. This tip may result very useful for those who are looking for a way to recover some virtual hard disk space and are frustrated with how much space the virtual machines demand.

The expert Andrew Kutz offers some ideas for removing a snapshot chain in VMware Server: VMware Server how-to: Clean up snapshot files to free disk space

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