Education Sector: 40% on UDS for projects with XCP-ng & XO

Education Sector: 40% on UDS for projects with XCP-ng & XO

Given the great acceptance of the 100% Open Source VDI solution that we launched together with our technology partner Vates, composed of the XCP-ng hypervisor, the Xen Orchestra management interface and the UDS Enterprise connection broker, and the multiple benefits that an open infrastructure provides to the Education Sector, we have decided to facilitate the adoption to all educational organizations with a special promotion aimed at this sector.

Course on Supercomputing and Computer Architecture

Course on Supercomputing and Computer Architecture

Supercomputers are computers with a large capacity for data processing and calculation that are usually used for scientific research. The study of the universe, the evolution of climate or the cure of diseases such as cancer are some of the fields in which the calculation of large volumes of data made by supercomputers plays a key role.

VDI and vApp in the latest version of Moodle with UDS Enterprise

VDI and vApp in the latest version of Moodle with UDS Enterprise

Moodle is the first e-Learning platform that allows assigning and accessing Windows and Linux virtual desktops and applications as if they were a didactic resource. This pioneering functionality has been developed thanks to the versatility of the UDS Enterprise connection broker, the software that provides access to VDI and vApp through the most used Open Source online learning platform in the world.

GitHub Sponsors: financial support to developers

GitHub Sponsors: financial support to developers

Developers from all over the world who have their Open Source projects on GitHub now have the opportunity to collect financial support from users or organizations that want to support their developments. For this purpose GitHub has launched “Sponsors”, a tool that allows you to make payments directly to the developers.

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