The Free Software Foundation celebrates 30th anniversary

by | Oct 2, 2015

ETIQUETAS: GNU-en | Hot news | Open source

The Free Software Foundation (FSF), the nonprofit organization that promotes and defends free software use, celebrates tomorrow October 3rd its 30 birthday. An anniversary party will be held in Boston and all their supporters are invited.

But Boston won't be the only scenario for this celebration, since different groups have organized around 20 meetings around the world.

FSF‘s founder and president, Richard Stallman, will attend the Boston party, and he will talk about these past 30 years and the foundation’s future.

Moreover, an article about GNU will be published in the New Yorker and they have organized the User Freedom Summit, a conference to share experiences and knowledge about free software. The talks will be focused, among other topics, on free software licensing, the need of web descentralization, encryption and Libreboot**.

And you, are you going to join the celebration? Tell us in Twitter @UDSenterprise

For further information, visit Free Software Foundation official website.



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