The Free Software Foundation celebrates 30th anniversary

The Free Software Foundation celebrates 30th anniversary

The Free Software Foundation (FSF), the nonprofit organization that promotes and defends free software use, celebrates tomorrow October 3rd its 30 birthday. An anniversary party will be held in Boston and all their supporters are invited.

But Boston won’t be the only scenario for this celebration, since different groups have organized around 20 meetings around the world.

GNU Hurd 0.6 released

GNU Hurd 0.6 released

GNU Hurd 0.6 is currently available, the kernel the Free Software Foundation and the GNU project want to become an alternative to Unix and Linux.

It is a collection of servers that run on the Mach microkernel to implement, among others, file systems, network protocols, file access control… that are implemented by the Unix kernel or similar kernels, such as Linux.

GNU Hurd runs on 32-bit x86 machines, but the developers working in this project say that a version running on 64-bit x8 (x86_64) machines is in progress.

The innovations of this new version include the cleaning of the code and progress in the integration with the microkernel GNU Match.

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