The Ponemon Institute and CA Technologies have publised a research which analyses this new situation:
Business and IT Emerge as Essential Allies in the Move to Social IDs and ‘Bring Your Own Identity’
A new technological trend has arisen after the massive adoption of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) by most users, who use their own mobile devices for both personal and proffesional purposes. This new trend is called BYOID, Bring Your Own Identity, and it is based on the use of the same digital identities used in the social media profiles to access corporative applications.
The employees welcome this option, as they don't need to create different accounts for the different web sites they access everyday but the IT departments face new necurity risks. Companies must catch up on this trend and make the adoption easier for the staff without threatening the security of corporate data.
The Ponemon Institute and CA Technologies have publised a research which analyses this new situation:
Business and IT Emerge as Essential Allies in the Move to Social IDs and ‘Bring Your Own Identity’
The definition of “on-premise” refers to the implementation of servers and an IT environment that are either owned exclusively by the company or rented by it.
8 out of 10 rural workers seek improved telecommunications infrastructure
With the growing trend of multiple job holders reaching historic highs in many countries, workplace virtualization is vital for attracting and retaining talent in this new work environment.
Virtual desktop infrastructure plays a fundamental role in remote and hybrid work models by providing workers with flexibility and mobility without compromising security or performance.
The term “Cloud Computing” refers to the use of computing resources (servers, storage, computing capacity, databases, networks, software) over the Internet.
Discover the advantages of virtual desktops: the solution that redefines remote work by allowing access to the work environment at any time, from anywhere, and from any device.
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