New software defined storage platform

New software defined storage platform

Most SMBs find really difficult to afford server virtualization costs. That’s why HP has launched a new software defined storage alternative (SDS). The company will give free licences to its clients for more than 72 petabytes SDS capacity.

The only requirement to join this program is to purchase an Intel Xeon E5 v3 processor. After the purchase, a 1TB HP StoreVirtual VSA software licence will be obtained.

This software allows implementing the SDS with a deployment of shared storage which adapts itself to the virtual server that executes Linux Kernel Virtual Machine, VMware or Microsoft Hyper-V.

Top 10 reasons to use Cloud backup

Top 10 reasons to use Cloud backup

Tapes. discs, drives and other traditional storage devices don’t seem to be the best way to storage data securely in the era of mobility, because they have limited options as far as accessibility and scalability are concerned.

Most experts point to cloud backup as the best alternative since data can be stored and retrieved anytime and it allows to increase or decrease backup space when needed. Moreover, it is a more economical and more efficient choice.

In the white paper below you can find more reasons to use this kind of backup:

Why Cloud backup?

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