24×7 workplace with UDS Enterprise: How it works

24×7 workplace with UDS Enterprise: How it works

At the beginning of this week we explained the architecture of RemotePC project, which was presented at RedIRIS Technical Conference 2015. In this post we’re digging deeper into the way the different elements interact to guarantee 24×7 access to the universities’ computers in the ICT classrooms.

The user accesses from the website provided by the university and UDS Enterprise gives the order to OpenGnsys to enable remote access to one of the devices available in the computer classroom and the operating system it has to run.

24×7 workplace with UDS Enterprise II

24×7 workplace with UDS Enterprise II

Today we keep on talking about RemotePC project, introduced last week at RedIRIS Technical Conference 2015 in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

In this post we’re describing the architecture, which is based on UDS Enterprise‘s architecture, our multiplatform connection broker for Windows & Linux. As you can see in the image at the top of this post, UDS Enterprise communicates with different service providers, such as hypervisors to access VDI and virtualized applications; cloud services

24×7 workplace with UDS Enterprise I

24×7 workplace with UDS Enterprise I

A wide number of ICT experts from different organizations and most Spanish universities have met this week at RedIRIS Technical Conference 2015 in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain).

One of the topics showcased in DOCENCIA-NET working group was Remote PC: 24×7 workplace. Ramón Gómez Labrador, from University of Sevilla, explained this project, which aims at “using the computer labs in the university during non-school hours using any device”.

UDS and Moodle, XenServer & VMware TAP

UDS and Moodle, XenServer & VMware TAP

UDS Enterprise and Moodle integration developed by Malaga University and VirtualCable, the video showing virtual desktops deployment with UDS Enterprise and Citrix XenServer and VirtualCable joining VMware Technology Alliance Program (TAP) have been the most read posts in our blog during the last two weeks.

Find below the links to the articles on these topics so you keep up with the most interesting news according to our followers:

UDS Enterprise & Moodle help the learning community

Video: UDS Enterprise & Citrix XenServer VDI

VirtualCable joins VMware TAP Program

UDS Enterprise & Moodle help the learning community

UDS Enterprise & Moodle help the learning community

SIMO Education Learning Technology Exhibition is being held this week in Madrid. Plenty information and technological innovations aimed at the learning sector are presented in this conference. In the context of this event, this week we’ve told you how UDS Enterprise, our VDI, app & other Windows and Linux services connection broker helps educational organizations providing more efficient learning tools to teachers and students.

In particular, we’re talking about UDS Enterprise & Moodle integration, developed by the University of Malaga together with VirtualCable to improve their Virtual Campus service, which is used by more than 63.000 students nowadays. In this post, we’re going to talk about the innovative nature of this project.

UDS Enterprise overcomes eLearning complexity

UDS Enterprise overcomes eLearning complexity

Students taking eLearning courses usually need software applications related to the courses content.

These vApp are complex to use due to commercial licenses issues. Moreover, students and teachers need technical skills to setup these applications in their PC or mobile devices.

The use of virtual machines that are accessed via web by students and teachers, reduces these issues but at the same time requires a complex user access management.

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