Solve the challenges of hybrid Education with Azure and UDS

Solve the challenges of hybrid Education with Azure and UDS

Schools, high-schools, universities, academies… the entire Education sector is immersed in a stage of innovation that necessarily implies adapting hybrid models, face-to-face and digital, which allow keeping on learning regardless of the place where both students and teachers are.

Virtual Cable and Microsoft have organized a webinar for next Wednesday, October 14 to reveal the keys and best practices when it comes to tackling the complexity posed by these new scenarios.

Centralized IT, remote access and UDS Enterprise 3.0 RC

Centralized IT, remote access and UDS Enterprise 3.0 RC

We start the month of October preparing the ranking of the most read articles on our blog during September. Amavir Case Study is the publication that has registered the greater amount of visits. There, it is explained how desktop virtualization has helped them to simplify the IT management of 41 nursing homes for the elderly spread over 7 autonomous regions. This organization has opted for a VDI cloud solution with UDS Enterprise.

“The educational system must promote free computing”

“The educational system must promote free computing”

The active group for the promotion and dissemination of free computing Pica Pica HackLab claims the use of free computing in the educational system. They appeal all the agents involved: Government, Ministry and Ministries of Education, rectors, directors, heads of studies, defenders of students and teachers; because they consider that it is now more necessary than ever due to the generalized scenario of distance learning.

UC3M: VDI with UDS Enterprise to reduce face-to-face practices

UC3M: VDI with UDS Enterprise to reduce face-to-face practices

The university centers are designing what the return to the classrooms will be like next September. It will undoubtedly be a different beginning of the academic year, marked by the demands of the “new normal” due to Covid-19.

The Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) is already preparing to adopt the necessary security measures to face the Coronavirus. Among them, they have decided to reduce as much as possible that students have to go to the computer rooms located on campus. In order to do this, most of the applications needed to carry out their teaching practices will be available through virtual desktops with UDS Enterprise.

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