VDI for free, OpenStack Mitaka & XenServer 6.5

VDI for free, OpenStack Mitaka & XenServer 6.5

UDS Enterprise Free Edition with ten lifetime free virtual desktops, the new features introduced in the new OpenStack release and the compatibility of our connection broker for Windows and Linux with Citrix XenServer 6.5 have been the most read topics in our blog over the last two weeks.

Just in case you dindn’t have the opportunity to read them, find below the links to our top three posts, so that you keep up to date with the most outstanding news about Open Source and virtualization according to our followers:

Nexenta & Canonical deliver a joint SDS solution

Nexenta & Canonical deliver a joint SDS solution

Nexenta and Canonical have announced a joint solution that pairs Nexenta’s software-defined storage with Canonical’s Ubuntu OpenStack platform: NexentaEdge.

This new solution delivers high performance object and block storage services with Juju, a service model for automating the deployment and management of applications. This joint release allows Ubuntu customers to leverage NexentaEdge and provides seamless integration with Canonical OpenStack clouds.

New Linux distro focuses on design and performance

New Linux distro focuses on design and performance

Although there isn’t still a stable version, Apricity OS seems to have a great future. This GNU/Linux distro intends to improve design, introducing a beautiful appearance with full functionalities and top performance. These last features are ensured thanks to be based on Arch Linux, one of the most complete Linux distributions in the market.

Apricity OS lets users choose among two flavours: GNOME 3.20 desktop environment, which can be used with up to 512 MB RAM and Cinnamon

Enterprise Open Source Conference 2016

Enterprise Open Source Conference 2016

Next Tuesday 12th April the second edition of Enterprise Open Source Conference will be held in Madrid, a 100% Open Source enterprise-oriented event, more specifically to TI professionals.

Promoted by Red Hat and Accenture, the conference will feature national and international keynotes about the benefits of enterprise Open Source solutions, its adoption in Spain and its possibilities.

Nutanix Acropolis, OpenStack, UDS Enterprise & Linux

Nutanix Acropolis, OpenStack, UDS Enterprise & Linux

Nutanix Acopolis & OpenStack support in UDS Enterprise upcoming release and a list with come Linux commands you should think twice before executing because they can lead you to wrong operations have been the most read posts in our blog during the last weeks.

Just in case you didn’t have the chance to read them yet, here’re the links to the articles that deal with these topics so that you can keep up to date with the most outstanding info related to virtualization and Open Source:

A big tent to boost Open Source

A big tent to boost Open Source

The annual Linux Foundation collaboration summit kicked off yesterday. The executive director of the Linux Foundation, Jim Zemlin, opened the conference and advocated for a big tent to improve the development of Open Source software.

This big tent can include everyone who believes software openness is essential to freedom, all Open Source developers and users and all companies supporting the creation of Open Source products.

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