LF Deep Learning promotes Open Source Artificial Intelligence

LF Deep Learning promotes Open Source Artificial Intelligence

The Linux Foundation announced yesterday during the event Open Networking Summit, held in Los Angeles, the creation of a new organization that aims to drive Open Source innovation in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and Deep Learning. It is called LF Deep Learning Foundation and will also ensure that these new technologies are accessible to developers and scientists.

Developers prefer Linux

Developers prefer Linux

Linux is the best operating system to develop computer programs. This is what the annual Stack Overflow survey carried out with more than 100,000 developers. A 48.3% of the surveyed developers claim to perform developments for Linux, compared to 35.4% that use Windows OS for coding. In third and fourth places are Android and iOS, thing that shows the rise of mobile applications.

Open Source alternative to CCleaner

Open Source alternative to CCleaner

Bleachbit System Cleaner is an Open Source free and multiplatform tool capable of shading the popular CCleaner, whose main goal is to optimize the performance of the devices. Its main advantage is that it is not only compatible with Windows, it can also be used with macOS and with the following Linux distributions: Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, Linux Mint and all distros based on Debian.

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