KDE Project presents a new app shop

KDE Project presents a new app shop

The last Akademy event organized by KDE Project introduced plenty of news, like the KDE Store, an online shop where you can buy software and other elements related to the environment through a platform based on OpenDesktop and free sharing.

OpenDesktop’s source code has been released under AGPL license and KDE has used it to build a new application shop, where you can donate to developers, artists…

Red Hat unveils new Linux container portfolio

Red Hat unveils new Linux container portfolio

Red Hat announced during Red Hat Summit 2016 a new set of Linux container solutions for the enterprise, including free development tools, a comprehensive container platform that integrates management, Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Containers-as-a-Service (CaaS).

This new offering enables customers to leverage the full benefits of containerization with more secure, portable and consistent container-based solutions, supporting key open standards such as the Open Container Initiative (OCI) container format and Kubernetes orchestration.

What’s the difference between Linux and Unix?

What’s the difference between Linux and Unix?

Linux and Unix are not the same, but would you know how to explain the differences between them?

Unix is a propietary system which can’t be modified, only AT&T, the company that created and owns it can do it. It was developed in the 1970s as an operating system to manage servers and nowadays it is mainly used for that purpose, except MacOS X, a desktop OS. Server operating systems are difficult to install, commands are more important than graphic interface and they are only compatible with specific hardware. AIS, HP-UX or Soralis are some Unix systems examples.

Linux drives 21st century cars

Linux drives 21st century cars

It is becoming increasingly obvious that Linux is everywhere. One of the last sectors where it has landed is the automotive industry. And it seems it has come to stay. Nowadays, the most modern cars incorporate an operating system, since they are connected to internet through 4G and WiFi, feature infotainment and heads-up displays which provide a user experience really similar to the one provided by mobile devices.

Car manufacturers like Toyota, Nissan, Jaguar or Land Rover currently rely on Linux to run on their so called smart cars and others like Ford, Mazda, Mitsubishi and Subaru are planning to do it.

UDS Enterprise, Tredly & VDI authentication

UDS Enterprise, Tredly & VDI authentication

The different uses of UDS Enterprise connection broker, an interesting Open Source software for containers management in Unix OS and UDS Enterprise authentication system have been the most read topics in our blog for the last weeks.

Below you can find the links to the articles about these topics so you can keep up to date with the most outstanding news on Open Source and virtualization according to our community:

Tredly, the altertanive to Docker for Unix systems

Tredly, the altertanive to Docker for Unix systems

Container technologies, led by Docker, are on the rise in virtualization sector. Now there is an interesant alternative for Unix operating systems. It is called Tredly and enables application virtualization inside containers.

As with Docker, applications run isolated from the OS, improving security and making it more easy to migrate to other operating systems.

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