CloudOpen Europe 2015

CloudOpen Europe 2015

CloudOpen will be held in Dublin next October 5th, 6th & 7th. This conference organized by The Linux Foundation is designed to provide a collaboration and education space to advance the open cloud.

This event gathers together the Open Source projects, products, technologies and companies that comprise the cloud and are driving the cloud, big data and networking ecosystems.

Today Linux turns 24 years old

Today Linux turns 24 years old

On 17 September 1991 Linus Torvalds uploaded Linux kernel version 0.01 to a FTP in the University of Helsinki. It counted a bit more than 10.000 lines of code.

At that time, he didn’t realize what that shy gesture will mean, since nowadays Linux runs inside a lot of devices we use dialy, such as browsers, smartphones, routers and even intelligent objects.

Windows and Linux VDI with UDS Enterprise

Windows and Linux VDI with UDS Enterprise

The VDI connection broker UDS Enterprise natively supports Windows and Linux desktops.

Thus, this software enables the deployment of a wide variety of operating systems, such as Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows 2008 and Windows 2012.

Regarding the Linux family, UDS Enterprise is compatible with Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Debian-based distributions, Red Hat-based distributions like Fedora and CentOS, OpenSuse

For questions about the different OS supported by our broker, get in touch with the UDS Enterprise Team at [email protected]

Red Hat, Linux & UDS Enterprise 1.7

Red Hat, Linux & UDS Enterprise 1.7

Would you like to know the hottest VDI and Open Source news according to our followers?

As usual, we collect the links to the most read posts in our blog, in this case during the last two weeks of June.

The topics are related to Red Hat Connect for Technology Partners, Linux and what’s new in UDS Enterprise 1.7

Enjoy your reading!

Red Hat includes UDS Enterprise in new partner portal

How to remove proprietary software from the Linux kernel

What’s new in UDS Enterprise 1.7

How to remove proprietary software from the Linux kernel

How to remove proprietary software from the Linux kernel

Many users are unaware of the fact that the Linux kernel developed by the Linus Torvalds team contains proprietary software to make it, for example, more compatible and universal with certain hardware.

So if we’d like to use GNU/Linux in a 100% free way , discarding these non-free added components, we should use some of the recommended distros by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) that you can find in this link.

Application virtualization, oVirt & LXD

The upcoming release of application virtualization with UDS Enterprise, the integration of our VDI connection broker for Windows and Linux with oVIrt and the features of the LXD hypervisor have been the most read topics in our blog during the last two weeks.

Find below the links to these posts so that you are up to date with the most interesting topics according to our followers:

UDS Enterprise will incorporate application virtualization

UDS Enterprise & oVirt integration

LXD overcomes KVM in density and speed

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