Hyper-V enhancements for Linux Virtual Machines

Hyper-V enhancements for Linux Virtual Machines

The initial version of Hyper-V only supported one minimal feature for Linux virtual machines (VM) through the installation of an additional component called Linux Integration Services (LIS). But recently, Microsoft has been working with providers to add new features without having to install SIL in newer Linux distributions.

One of the most awaited is the Dynamic Memory. The addition and removal of memory are now fully compatible with virtual machines running on a Windows Server Linux 2012 R2 Hyper-V host. It is important to note that this function is only available for 64-bit Linux distros and in some of them it is necessary to enable support, for example in CentOS and Red Hat Linux distributions.

Should we move from Ext4 Linux file system to Btrfs and XFS?

Should we move from Ext4 Linux file system to Btrfs and XFS?

Red Hat and SUSE gave up Ext file system last year and started using Btrfs and XFS. For this reason, many users are wondering whether they should follow the steps of the two main professional Linux distributions in the market and stop using Btrfs on their PC. It’s been verified that Btrfs has really good advanced features which improve storage’s management and security. Thus, it is suitable for system administrators. Meanwhile, XFS seems to be the perfect solution for virtualization, data base, app and cloud environments, where speed and scalability are needed.

KVM management tools and vSphere to oVirt migration

KVM management tools and vSphere to oVirt migration

Our analysis about KVM hypervisor management tools and the cost savings by migrating from a desktop virtualization platform with vSphere to another with oVirt have been the most read articles in our blog during the first half of December.

Below you can find the links to these 3 posts so you don’t lose track of the most outstanding information according to our followers:

VDI cost saving: vSphere to oVirt migration

KVM hypervisor management tools: oVirt

KVM hypervisor management tools: RHEV

KVM hypervisor management tools: OpenStack

KVM hypervisor management tools: OpenStack

In previous publications we talked about oVirt and Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, and today we finish our series of articles about KVM hypervisor management tools talking about OpenStack thanks, once again, to this interesting article by vMiss.net.

If we throw a glance at the matrix support of OpenStack hypervisor, we can see that the only set of drivers tested in Group A is libvirt with KVM, which means that these drivers have been deeply tested and are fully supported. Bearing in mind the warm welcome to OpenStack by the Open Source community, this fact is not surprising at all.

KVM hypervisor management tools: RHEV

KVM hypervisor management tools: RHEV

In the first of our posts on KVM hypervisor management tools we talked about oVirt and today we borrow again vMiss.net article to talk about Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV).

RHEV is another set of tools that may be used to manage KVM. It provides features such as live migration of virtual machines and storage, high availability and support for virtual desktop infrastructure.

KVM hypervisor management tools: oVirt

KVM hypervisor management tools: oVirt

KVM is a hypervisor included in the main Linux kernel. It is really good as hypervisor, but like all hypervisors, a set of tools is needed to manage it. In this post we talk about one of them, oVirt, thanks to this article written by vMiss.net

oVirt is a set of Open Source management tools that runs on different Linux distributions. It has interesting enterprise features, such as high availability, load balancing, and support for local and shared storage. In addition, the new oVirt 3.5 features include the merge of multiple snapshots and the introduction of Optaplanner, that allows to check if a virtual machine can be within a cluster when a user attempts to deploy it on a server that does not have enough resources.

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