Debian 10.1 officially released

Debian 10.1 officially released

The Debian project developers have announced the official availability of the first update of Debian 10 “buster”. This new release brings together a series of important security fixes and adjustments that have already been released and that have been packaged in the same installation image to facilitate the system update.

Test online more than 200 Linux OS with DistroTest

Test online more than 200 Linux OS with DistroTest

One of the first questions that arise when a user decides to switch to Linux is what distribution would be the most appropriate for him. There is such an amount that in most cases it is a somewhat complex decision. DistroTest was launched with the aim of making this choice easier and that those who already use Linux can test in a very simple way different versions to the one they have installed. This web allows to test online and for free nothing less than 706 versions of 225 Linux operating systems.

The Russian and Chinese armies will replace Windows

The Russian and Chinese armies will replace Windows

The Huawei Case and Trump policies are having consequences that directly affect Microsoft. Distrust has been established in two of the largest governments in the world. China no longer trusts Windows. They said this operating system could have back doors that would allow espionage by the US. A few days ago they announced that the army will stop using this OS. As a replacement, they will develop their own from scratch, designed especially for military uses.

Schools in India save more than $400 million by implementing Linux

Schools in India save more than $400 million by implementing Linux

Schools in the Indian state of Kerala will save around 428 million dollars using Linux as operating system on more than 200,000 computers. They will install a distribution based on Ubuntu developed by KITE (Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education). It is called IT@School and includes free and Open Source applications specially customized for students and teachers.

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