Hyper-V, ESXi, oVirt VDI & Open Source software

Hyper-V, ESXi, oVirt VDI & Open Source software

We’re back to school and to start the week we’re compiling the most read articles in our blog during the summer. The comparison between Microsoft‘s and VMware‘s hypervisors, the deployment of an Open Source desktop virtualization infrastructure with oVirt* and the list of the top 2015 Open Source software have been the most popular posts.

Find below the links to these articles so that you can keep up to date with the most outstanding topics related to VDI and Open Source according to our followers:

UDS Enterprise, oVirt & VMware Ready

UDS Enterprise, oVirt & VMware Ready

oVirt and VMware have been the focus of our blog during last two weeks. The most read articles are related to UDS Enterprise integration with oVirt and VMware vSphere.

In case you haven’t yet had the opportunity to read these posts, below you can find the links so that you can keep up to date with the most outstanding virtualization and Open Source news according to our followers:

Video: UDS Enterprise & oVirt VDI

UDS Enterprise achieves VMware Ready status

UDS Enterprise fully integrates with oVirt 3.6

Video: UDS Enterprise & oVirt VDI

Video: UDS Enterprise & oVirt VDI

The multiplatform connection broker UDS Enterprise compatibility with different hypervisors is one of its most outstanding features.

Currently it is compatible with Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, Nutanix Acropolis, oVirt KVM, Red Hat KVM, VMware vSphere… The integration process with the different hypervisor platforms is very easy, as you can see in our quick steps guides

Hypervisors, oVirt & connection protocols

Hypervisors, oVirt & connection protocols

According to our followers, the most interesting topics added to our blog during last weeks are: the main differences among three of the most popular hypervisors (Hyper-V, ESXi & XenServer); UDS Enterprise & oVirt integration and the possibility of using any connection protocol with UDS Enterprise.

Find below the link to the top 3 articles in our blog in case you missed them:

Hyper-V, ESXi & XenServer comparison

ZDNet highlights UDS Enterprise & oVirt integration

UDS Enterprise supports any connection protocol

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