UDS Enterprise & RHEV integration

UDS Enterprise & RHEV integration

UDS Enterprise fully integrates with Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3 onwards. In fact, we are Red Hat’s Technology Partner.

UDS Enterprise components are offered in Virtual Appliance format and they are hosted on the RHEV platform on which the virtual desktops are going to be deployed.

The integration process is very easy, you can check it reading this presentation:

Red Hat, Linux & UDS Enterprise 1.7

Red Hat, Linux & UDS Enterprise 1.7

Would you like to know the hottest VDI and Open Source news according to our followers?

As usual, we collect the links to the most read posts in our blog, in this case during the last two weeks of June.

The topics are related to Red Hat Connect for Technology Partners, Linux and what’s new in UDS Enterprise 1.7

Enjoy your reading!

Red Hat includes UDS Enterprise in new partner portal

How to remove proprietary software from the Linux kernel

What’s new in UDS Enterprise 1.7

Red Hat includes UDS Enterprise in new partner portal

Red Hat includes UDS Enterprise in new partner portal

Red Hat has recognized VirtualCable as technology partner and has included the company in the new website Red Hat Connect for Technology Partners

This new program assures that the solutions included have been validated and are supported on Red Hat’s platform. Thus, the VDI connection broker for Windows and Linux UDS Enterprise has become part os this ecosysten certified by the multinational.

QEMU-KVM virtual machines: live migration

QEMU-KVM virtual machines: live migration

Virtual machines live migration is a really interesting topic regarding virtualization, since guests continue growing (more CPUs, more RAM) and uptime demands are the same and long pauses between virtual machines migrating from one host to another are not expected.

Reading the article below, you’ll learn how to perform a live migration with QEMU/KVM hypervisor. In addition, the post includes interesting information about the early days, present and future of this hypervisor; paying special attention to the updates, optimization and the constant changes required in the design to meet the demands of the community.

Live Migrating QEMU-KVM Virtual Machines

Enterprise Open Source Conference

Enterprise Open Source Conference

The Goya Theatre in Madrid will host next Tuesday 16th the first edition of the Enterprise Open Source Conference, which is, according to the organization, “the first Open Source Conference 100% focused on the business world that takes place in Spain”.

Through lectures, workshops, round tables, case studies and demonstrations, thw public will understand why Open Source technologies are gaining ground over proprietary technologies in the enterprises and how they have the IT world abuzz.

Fedora 22 arrives with innovations to cloud, server and workstation deployments

Fedora 22 arrives with innovations to cloud, server and workstation deployments

Fedora 22 is now available for download. This new version of the Linux distro sponsored by Red Hat and supported by our VDI connection broker for Windows and Linux UDS Enterprise, incorporates new features for cloud, server and workstation deployments.

On the one hand, Fedora 22 Cloud incorporates new features and images designed to help developers and users use Fedora in public and private clouds. Among other things, the Fedora Project has updated its Docker base image and set of Dockerfiles to help users make use of Fedora 22 in containers.

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