A Linux botnet launchs DDoS attacks

A Linux botnet launchs DDoS attacks

A botnet made up of Linux computers is generating over 150 Gbps per second denial-of-service attacks (DDoS), which are seriously threatening some companies, since they are much more powerful than infraestructures can usually support.

This botnet is targeting around 20 sites each day, 90% located in Asia. The most common targets are online gaming and educational sites.

The malware feeding the botnet is called XOR DDoS and it was identified in September 2014 for the first time. Now, a the security response team from Akamai Technologies has discovered a new wave of attacks.

US federal agencies rely on VDI

US federal agencies rely on VDI

The US Government’s IT pros rely on desktop virtualization to provide the end users with the appropiate tools for their work while guaranteeing security.

These IT pros have usually to deal with tougher regulatory and compliance constraitns than other companies. But users request the same flexibility and need to work anywhere and using any device.

That’s why VDI is the most suitable technology and more and more agencies are implementing it.

How to improve enterprise mobile security

How to improve enterprise mobile security

Nowadays, applications and mobile devices are the main working tools in many companies, and many employees carry out their professional tasks wherever and whenever.

According to Forrester, mobile devices adoption has increased more than 20% in US in 2015. Another report shows that 43% employees are not aware of the security policies in their company. This means they could be skipping over established policies to access email, copying corporate data to personal devices or using any application, approved or not by IT Department.

VDI security guide

VDI security guide

With the wide variety of endpoints that exist today in the corporate environments, security is more important that ever, since, in addition, users are becoming increasingly more independent and it is harder to manage passwords, application configurations and network access.

Virtual desktop platforms favor security, since data is stored in VDI servers within the data center and it is safer that store them locally. And not only that. Desktop virtualization allows administrators to have more control over the distribution of desktops and applications.

Minimize risks in public cloud

Minimize risks in public cloud

Data security is one of the issues that most concern companies when deciding about public or private cloud.

Usually, organizations tend to be more skeptical with public cloud, but there are a number of tests that can be run to identify and fix possible security holes in this type of clouds.

In order to perform these tests, first you will have select a fragment of the cloud environment that you want to test and then, you will be ready to define the strategy to be followed.

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