How to improve enterprise mobile security

by | Sep 8, 2015

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Security | Tips

Nowadays, applications and mobile devices are the main working tools in many companies, and many employees carry out their professional tasks wherever and whenever.

According to Forrester, mobile devices adoption has increased more than 20% in US in 2015. Another report shows that 43% employees are not aware of the security policies in their company. This means they could be skipping over established policies to access email, copying corporate data to personal devices or using any application, approved or not by IT Department.

In order to protect corporate data without affecting user experience, it is recommended to bare in mind a few best practices to make the work easier for businesses and employees:

1. Control access and train your workforce. It is essential to consult your workforce to understand their needs and thus create policies tailored to your business.

2. Enforce policies to reduce risks. It is advisable securing data and applications through virtualization, containerization, secure networks and data encryption.

3. Analyze behaviours and draw conclusions. It is highly recommended monitoring network and applications activities to be aware of who has access to data, from where and when, in order to implement appropriate policies.

Following the steps outlined above helps companies to keep their data safe and private at all times. For further info, read the original article



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