UDS Enterprise & Europ Assistance Case Study

UDS Enterprise & Europ Assistance Case Study

UDS Enterprise deployment in Europ Assistance Spain aroused the interest of Relación Cliente Magazine, a reference publication for the Call Center industry. This month’s edition includes a case styudy on this project.

The magazine talks about the IP phone and virtual desktops integration‘s advantages for Europ Assistance workers, which was a custom development built by UDS Enterprise engineers.

UDS Enterprise, Hyper-V, vSphere & Remote PC

UDS Enterprise, Hyper-V, vSphere & Remote PC

The deployment of virtual desktops with UDS Enterprise & Microsoft Hyper-V, interesting tips to manage VMware vSphere and Remote PC project with UDS Enterprise introduced by the University of Sevilla at RedIRIS Technical Conference 2015 have been the most read topics in our blog during last weeks.

Find below the links to these posts so that you can keep up to date with the most highlighted news on virtualization and Open Source:

Video: UDS Enterprise & Microsoft Hyper-V VDI

How to manage vSphere efficiently

24×7 workplace by UDS Enterprise: How it works

UDS Enterprise achieves  Nutanix Ready certification

UDS Enterprise achieves Nutanix Ready certification

Nutanix, the next-generation enterprise computing company, has today announced that UDS Enterprise, the multiplatform connection broker for Windows & Linux desktop services, developed by VirtualCable, is now Nutanix Ready.

Nutanix Ready identifies recommended applications and solutions that are trusted to enhance the Nutanix delivery infrastructure. UDS Enterprise has completed verification testing, thereby providing confidence in compatibility both with Nutanix hardware and Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor. VirtualCable is the first partner in Spain and one of the firsts in the world to integrate with Nutanix. The integration of both solutions brings uncompromising flexibility and down costs for desktop and application virtualization.

Video: UDS Enterprise & RHEV VDI

Video: UDS Enterprise & RHEV VDI

UDS Enterprise, our multiplatform connection broker to administer and deploy virtual and physical desktops, applications and other Windows and Linux services is compatible with the major hypervisors in the market.

KVM-based Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) developed and supported by Red Hat, is one of them. The integration of UDS Enterprise and this solution enables VDI deployment in a fully operational way, as you can check in the following video:

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