Hyper-V, ESXi, oVirt VDI & Open Source software

Hyper-V, ESXi, oVirt VDI & Open Source software

We’re back to school and to start the week we’re compiling the most read articles in our blog during the summer. The comparison between Microsoft‘s and VMware‘s hypervisors, the deployment of an Open Source desktop virtualization infrastructure with oVirt* and the list of the top 2015 Open Source software have been the most popular posts.

Find below the links to these articles so that you can keep up to date with the most outstanding topics related to VDI and Open Source according to our followers:

vSphere Enterprise reachs end of availability this week

vSphere Enterprise reachs end of availability this week

VMware announced at the beginning of this year changes in its virtualization portfolio, which will be effective this week. Next Thursday 30th June VMware vSphere Enterprise, VMware vSphere with Operations Management Standard and VMware vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise will reach end of avalability.

This new portfolio of VMware vSphere solutions will only include the following three product:

VMware discontinues vSphere desktop client

VMware discontinues vSphere desktop client

VMware has announced through vSphere official blog that #C client (also known as AKA Desktop Client/thick client/vSphere Client for Windows) won’t be available for the next vSphere version.

Current VMware hypervisor versions (6.0, 5.5) will follow the standard support period, so they won’t be affected.

The company is going to replace this desktop client for vSphere HTML5 Web Client, which they ensure is “faster and improves user experience”.

UDS Enterprise features a new VMware vSphere connector

UDS Enterprise features a new VMware vSphere connector

One of many new features that will be added to UDS Enterprise 2.0 is a new connector for vSphere. This new component makes VMware hypervisor management more easy from UDS Enterprise.

Among other features, it is compatible with new versions of VMware APIS and it can not only detect issues external to our software, but it also fixes them up. For example, it finds those machines which haven’t been totally destroyed in vSphere and it deletes them, restoring the available resources while it eases the work of platform admins and improves user experience.

VMware Virtual SAN 6.2 released

VMware Virtual SAN 6.2 released

VMware has introduced Virtual SAN 6.2, the new version of the storage solution for vSphere virtual machines. This software provides core storage services with high performance, scalability and flexibility for virtualized production environments.

This solution changes storage management from device to application, enabling administrators to provision storage for applications in minutes.

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