Cybersecurity, everyone’s responsibility

by | Oct 20, 2021

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Security

The ninth European Cybersecurity Month of the European Union (ECSM) is being celebrated this October, whose objective is to promote online security among EU citizens. This cybersecurity awareness campaign is an initiative of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the European Commission, with the support of the Member States.

Every year throughout October, hundreds of activities take place across Europe, including conferences, workshops, training, webinars, presentations, and more, to promote digital security and cyber hygiene. Under the motto #ThinkB4UClick, the 2021 European Cybersecurity Month has focused on two fundamental points. On the one hand, providing a first aid guide for victims of cyberattacks, and on the other, offering tips to be cyber-safe both at home and at work.

The pandemic has tested the resilience of ICT security worldwide by bringing more and more people to work, study, consume… online. Our lives have gone digital overnight, so promoting good security practices among end-users and organizations has become more critical than ever.

Today’s businesses face an evolving threat landscape and increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks. They need security solutions integrated and built differently, adapted to the needs of each organization. Millions of users around the world trust UDS Enterprise to protect access to their virtual desktops, virtual applications, and devices available for remote use.

Precisely, the platform’s security is one of the aspects best valued by our customers, partners, and user community. The integration of double or multiple-factor authentication to ensure user access, secure WAN connections through SSL tunnels, or the encryption of all data to travel end-to-end encrypted are just some of the technologies incorporated into our product. IT teams are willing to minimize risks and avoid the severe problems caused by security breaches.

In line with the philosophy of the European Cybersecurity Month, at Virtual Cable, we believe that cybersecurity should be a shared responsibility. Therefore, organizations should take the initiative to fight against cyber threats by providing users with the knowledge and tools to do so.

Check more news about IT security on our blog.



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