DES-Digital Enterprise Show 2021 kicks off tomorrow

by | May 17, 2021


IFEMA MADRID will host from tomorrow until Thursday, May 20, the fifth edition of DES - Digital Enterprise Show, the first major technological event to be held in person in Spain and Europe after the hardest phase of the health crisis.

This new event will bring together more than 400 experts under the motto Accelerating Performance. The objective is to drive digital transformation in a holistic way, improve the efficiency of business models and increase the competitiveness of organizations. Participants will share their ideas to achieve the reactivation of the global economy and respond to the challenges generated by the pandemic.

One of the main issues will be the arrival of Next Generation EU recovery funds, 39% destined for sustainability projects and 29% for digital transformation. DES2021 will analyze how public-private collaboration can be critical when it comes to accessing these funds and the State plans on digitization.

The digitization of SMEs, the latest marketing trends, the sustainable development goals (SDG) and the digital transformation of public administrations will be other topics covered by the experts.

DES serves as a link for companies and providers of technological solutions based on Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Cloud, Cybersecurity, AR/VR, Data Analytics, Mar&AdTech, 5G and tools designed explicitly for Digital Marketing and Industry 4.0. High participation of C-Level executives and purchase decision-makers is expected.

For more information and registration, visit the DES2021 official website



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