Eight rules for effective software production

by | Jun 1, 2017

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Tips

Not everything in life is about productivity. Not all software projects either. There are cases when you are not judged on your performance. Obviously, these practices wouldn’t help then.

These techniques will be most useful for team leaders, architects, and project managers, although senior software developers can benefit from them too.

Rule No. 1: Understand the IT Mentality.

Rule No. 2: Do Not Mix Software Production and Development Methodologies.

Rule No. 3: Use Persistent Storage as an Extension to Human Memory.

Rule No. 4: Stop Wasting Time on Formal Time Estimation.

Rule No. 5: Understand the Cost of Switching Tasks and Juggling Priorities.

Rule No. 6: Use Architecture Reviews as a Way to Improve System Design.

Rule No. 7: Value Team Players.

Rule No. 8: Focus on Teamwork Organization.

Read the full article in details in this link.



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