Ensure a successful adoption of VDI (First Part)

by | Sep 22, 2014


The adoption of a VDI platform without taking some previous steps will surely lead the project to direct failure. In order to avoid this outcome, the UDS Enterprise Team describes below the most important elements you should bear in mind before implementing a virtual desktops platform into production.

Analyzing the current situation

Before implementing a VDI platform, we advise you to evaluate the requirements of the end user station environment and their states, and determine what the needs and advantages that desktop virtualization could provide to the organization. This is vital to carrying out these projects successfully. The work done during this initial phase will allow you to accurately define the most suitable parameters so that you can shape the solution that you need.

For this first analysis you should take into account the following issues:

-Defining business requirements

-Defining end users’ needs

- Analyzing the existing environment

Defining business requirements. Any project of this type always starts due to certain business needs that need to be defined, analyzed and detected which may be covered adopting VDI solutions. In case these needs aren’t clearly detected, it’s very likely that the project won’t be supported within the organization and, therefore, it becomes tough to obtain the resources required to carry it out.

Defining end users’ needs. It is advisable to compile the performance parameters of the user station environment so that you can prove the improvement of those parameters with the implementation of a desktop virtualization platform. On the other hand, it’s necessary to take into account the cultural change that means using virtual desktops located within a platform with a series of policies and rules that, although accepted by the IT department, may be a change in the way they interact with their desktop. This parameter is intangible but essential for the success or failure of the virtual desktops projects.

Analyzing the existing environment. This step determines the viability of the project and helps to visualize the current state of the environment and what the final desired state will be, which allows to design a manageable project. This analysis involves different elements of the IT infrastructure to determine the viability of the project.

These are some advices which should be taken into consideration before starting with desktop virtualization. In next posts we will add more advices to this guide, so stay tuned to our blog and our social media profiles.



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