The five most popular Linux vApp of 2020 in different distros

by | Nov 27, 2020

Canonical first published last year the ranking of the five most popular Linux applications based on snaps from the Arch Linux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Manjaro and Ubuntu distributions. Now they have done the same exercise again to establish a comparison and be able to analyze how the patterns of use in these systems have changed.

Among the most curious data, Spotify tops the list in three of the six distros, although it has lost positions in Debian. Arch Linux users have used less Microsoft Visual Code this year and banished Slack from their Top 5, leaving room for Anbox.

CentOS and Debian users have been influenced by new trends in security. Certbot has entered the ranking of both distributions strongly, climbing to the first place. This has to do with the increase in the use of HTTPS on the Internet and the Let’s Encrypt service.

The Fedora data shows that their followers are equally interested in entertainment and productivity. And like those of Arch Linux, this year they have made more use of Anbox.

Manjaro is the distribution that presents the least changes, especially in the nature of the most used vApp, which continue to be focused on entertainment and software development. It should be noted the Zoom client entry, which is given by the greater use of this application due to the pandemic.

In Ubuntu, VLC continues to hold the top spot on the podium. Code has entered no less than second place and Livepatch has climbed to fourth. Gimp is also new to this list, it has entered discreetly the last position.

For more information you can consult this article including the 2019 and 2020 tables.



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