The creation of this community became official during the Paris Open Source Summit held at the end of 2018. Its main objective is encouraging all public services to use and develop Open Source, since this type of software facilitates collaborative work at the same time that it allows the different organisms and public departments to share and reuse computer solutions. In short, it helps interoperability between IT services.
With this initiative, France joins the list of European countries committed to the use and development of Open Source. Another example is United Kingdom, which has been promoting the development of this type of software for years under the slogan “Make things open, make things better“.
In 217 all the member countries of the EU and the European Free Trade Association signed the Tallin Declaration on eGovernment, in which they committed to promote Open Source. Last year the European Commission expressed its preference for Open Source, the Czech Republic started preparing legislation to promote the use of Open Source and Luxembourg launched a pro-Open Source policy.
Source: Joinup