GitHub offers unlimited private repositories at no cost

by | Jan 8, 2019

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

This week the GitHub team has made an important announcement for their community of users: from now on, Free accounts will enjoy unlimited private repositories at no cost. The only restriction is in terms of collaborators, since a maximum of 3 can be included. If you’d like to add more, you can do it, but you’ll have to purchase a subscription.

To date, the use of GitHub was completely free as long as the files were hosted in public repositories and accessible to all users. In order to use private repositories it was necessary to pay a subscription.

The company remembers that public repositories are still free and that they can include unlimited collaborators.

They have also introduced a new type of subscription. GitHub Enterprise brings together the existing offer for companies. Organizations now have the flexibility to use GitHub in the cloud or hosted on their own servers with cost per seat. In addition, a hybrid solution is offered: GitHub Connect, which provides a hybrid alternative to work across both environments.

For more information, have a look at the official announcement.



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