GitHub open sources Licensed to help choose licenses

by | Mar 9, 2018

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

GitHub has open sourced the code of Licensed, a tool that they used at GitHub for a long time to license Open Source projects. Now they have decided to publish it under MIT license, so that all the users of the platform can use it to choose the type of license that best suits their projects.

Dependencies are those software based on other existing software. Nowadays it is a very common practice to reuse Open Source code of other projects, but it makes the task of compatibilizing licenses among them pretty difficult.

“Licensed helps GitHub engineers to make efficient use of Open Source software, as it alerts them of possible problems with the license of a dependency from the beginning of the development cycle”, explained GitHub announcement. Using this program, it is easier to choose which licenses are compatible with a development and can be checked throughout the developer’s work cycle.

To know all the details about Licensed, see the official announcement by GitHub.



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