How to boost Linux performance

by | Oct 30, 2015

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Linux-en | Tips

Would you like to improve the performace of your GNU Linux distro? Thanks to its flexibility we can maximize it. There are a lot of ways to do it, such as using Swappines configurations, removing unnecesary kernel modules, setting up the kernel more cleanly...

One of these options is Cache Pressure, which enables maximizing RAM memory to change the way the kernel introduces data blocks in the core memory. Making a few changes, our device's performance will be improved in every respect: when you run programs, play or any multimedia content...

The default value setup in Cache Pressure is 100, but we can setup it as we prefer, choosing a value between 0 and 100. In this way, the kernel moves more data (which are not being used at that moment) from the hard drive’s RAM to the SWAP.

If you don’t have much RAM, for example less than 4 GB, it is recommended to choose a value around 50; and if you have over 16, you can setup a value around 100.

Learn how to do it step by step reading the following article:



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