Huawei releases the code of EulerOS, its distro based on CentOS

by | Jan 13, 2020

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

The sanctions imposed by the United States on Huawei have motivated this company to take certain measures to avoid the possible consequences once the extensions granted by the Trump Administration come to an end, such as the deprivation of access to Windows and Android operating systems, have ended . Among them, they have developed EulerOS, their own Linux distribution based on CentOS. It was officially launched last September 2019 and now they have released their source code, which is already available on Gitee, the Chinese counterpart of GitHub.

The Open Source edition has received the name of openEuler and has two different entries in Gitee, one that hosts the source code and another with the different packages. In the first, two projects stand out: iSulad and A-Tune.

iSulad is a lightweight container runtime environment developed in C and based on gRPC services, whose interfaces are compatible with OCI. A-Tune uses Artificial Intelligence engines to optimize the system automatically to be adapted to multiple scenarios.

The software packages are hosted under the organization src-openeuler and must be built in accordance with the ISO and the openEuler operating system installation packages. There are already more than 1,000 software packages stored with versions for ARM64 and X86 architectures.

Gitee statistics indicate that today more than 50 developers are contributing to this project. If you are interested in joining this community, you can contact them through this email: [email protected]

For more information, see the official website of openEuler.



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