LibreCon 2017 focuses on Industry 4.0

by | Oct 11, 2017

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

On October 19 and 20, Santiago de Compostela will become the capital of Free Software with the celebration of LibreCon 2017, the largest business meeting to debate about Open Source ICT solutions. This edition of the event will be dedicated to the new challenges of the industry 4.0 and the Primary Sector of the economy.

The conferences, keynotes, roundtables, technological demos and success stories will revolve around the use of new opportunities generated by free technologies in the main sectors of the event and in fields such as cloud computing, Big Data and Internet of Things ( IoT).

National and international speakers will present their vision of how the free technologies have contributed to competitiveness in their day to day operations, and bring the sector’s innovations to all the attendees. In addition, we’ll talk about how Open Source solutions are helping to create new open and profitable business opportunities and improve efficiency in production processes.

More information and registration on the event website.



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