Linux 4.8 improves support for mobile devices

by | Oct 4, 2016

Linus Torvalds announced the availability of a new Linux version, that includes interesting news for current technologies. It adds, for example, a new driver for ARM Mali graphics for mobile devices, support for Raspberry Pi 3 SoC and for Microsoft's Surface 3 touch technology.

Linux 4.8 supports AMDGPU OverDrive, so AMD free drivers for GNU/Linux now support overclocking, although only graphics supported by AMDGPU are initially supported.

In addition, Linux graphic controllers start supporting nVidia Pascal, except GeForce GTX 1060/1070/1080, since to be supported nVidia would have to free the firmware first.

The new kernel version also supports HDMI CEC, meaning one or several devices can be connected via HDMI and controlled with a single remote control.

As usual, this version includes bug fixes, security improvements and improvements in Btrfs, XFS or EXT4 files, that unifies the encryption system with the one of the kernel.

Linux 4.8 will arrive to all distros during the next weeks.

More info: here



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