The most international edition of LIBRECON comes to an end

by | Nov 23, 2018

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

The eighth edition of LIBRECON closed yesterday in Bilbao after two intense days of conferences and workshops about Open Source technologies and free software. Among the presentations that aroused most interest, undoubtedly, the one given by Richard Stallman, president of the Free Software Foundation and those related to cybersecurity.

Organized by the Association of Free Technology and Open Knowledge Companies of Euskadi (ESLE) and its state counterpart, ASOLIF, this edition focused on the application of open and free technologies in important economical sectors, such as industry, finance and public administrations.

This year records have been broken in terms of international assistance, both in speakers and audience. In addition, for the first time it has been powered by CEBIT, the most important German ICT fair in the world. This is another example of LIBRECON becoming a reference event in Southern Europe for those interested in free and Open Source software.




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