Open Source Security Software Hackathon

by | Feb 22, 2018

On Monday, March 26 Luxembourg will host the third edition of the Open Source Security Software Hackathon. The event, organized by the team will bring groups of developers together to work collaboratively on the resolution of incidents in the field of Free Software and Open Source cybersecurity.

The objective of this hackathon is to improve the interoperability and the exchange of information and experiences using different security tools.

Topics such as the different forensic techniques of networks and systems, data mining and the defense of computer equipment operations will be discussed … In addition, there will be talks about projects such as the intelligent threat exchange platform MISP, TheHive, CVE search , AIL, MONARC and the Viper framework.

Attendees can suggest topics of their interest and even present their own Open Source projects and talk about them in this cybersecurity meeting.

The event will be held in the CIRCL office of the new C3 Cyber Competence Center of Luxembourg.

More information and registrations here.



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