Production-ready containers arrive to Europe

by | Oct 28, 2015

ETIQUETAS: Cloud-en | Hot news

Container technologies give developers the tools they need to package an application with all the dependencies into a container which may be deployed and run in any environment.

This application portability enables developers to release software faster, as they don't need to configure nor adapt it to different environments. In addition, containers are really light, so they make an efficient use of the resources they run on.

Despite a large Open Source community is responsible for the rapid adoption of Docker containers, some customers prefer a commercially-supported solution to get rid of issues. That’s why Docker has partnered with IBM, in order to launch the first Docker supported offering for Docker Engines in Europe: Docker Trusted Registry. This solution was only released last June in North America.

Its most outstanding features are:

Production-Ready containers. Customers have a private registry behind the firewall, ensuring security and enabling access management. It can be integrated with LDAP and Active Directory. It has also a user interface for administrators.

Docker & DevOps Tools: Docker Trusted Registry complements tools such as IBM UrbanCode. It enables to coordinate and automate multiple containers Docker application environments to the different development stages. Approvals and inventories can also be managed.

Cloud environment hosted in Europe available in Bluemix UK. Data are secured within European Union.

For further info, visit IBM & Docker resources center



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