Public money? Public Code!

by | Oct 4, 2017

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has launched an initiative to try to convince European governments that any software paid with citizens' tax money should always be published as Free Software and Open Source. Under the motto "Public money? Public Code!" call for citizens, companies and organizations of all types to join this campaign so that the code paid by citizens is available to citizens by law.

The Open Letter published by the FSF explains that restrictive software licensesimpede cooperation between public administrations and hinder further development, support monopolies by impeding competition and pose a threat to the security of our digital infrastructure by prohibiting access to source code “.

To improve IT services across Europe, as explained in the manifesto, “software is needed to help public administrations regain full control of their critical digital infrastructure, allowing them to be independent of a handful of companies.”

It is one of the main reasons why they promote the support to free software and Open Source in the public administrations, that also allows “to study, to share and to improve the applications that we use daily; and ensures that the source code is accessible to fix security holes without relying on a single service provider. “

More than 12,000 people and 80 organizations have already signed the letter to be given to European representatives who are discussing free software in public administration.

More information and signatures: here .



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