Reasons for using KDE

by | Jun 10, 2015

The wide variety of options is one of the features that differentiates Linux from other operating systems. It is the case of desktops, since users can choose between a multitude of alternatives, such as Xfce, MATE, Cinnamon, LXDE, GNOME...

One of them is KDE, which is marked for being a powerful, flexible, and even funny option. Linux and Open Source expert David Both helps us to explore this desktop environment, listing 9 reasons to use KDE:

1. Integration. KDE integrates very well with all kinds of applications.

2. Design. Each user can change the appearance of his workspace.

3. Flexibility. It has multiple configuration options (mouse buttons, windows, connectivity…)

4. Konsole. This interesting emulator for desktops (Konsole) was developed for KDE.

5. Widgets. There are widgets for almost everything that can be added and moved on the desktop.

6. Multiple desktops. It allows to use various deskstops, what makes more easy to order and separate different tasks.

7. Appearance. The appearance of multiple desktops can be configured so that they appear in the different sides of a cube, a sphere, a cylinder…

8. Fun. KDE provides a multitude of desktop effects.

9. Customization. It allows you to customize almost everything and each user can set it in his own way.

If you want to learn more about the possibilities offered by KDE, see this article



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