US federal agencies rely on VDI

US federal agencies rely on VDI

The US Government’s IT pros rely on desktop virtualization to provide the end users with the appropiate tools for their work while guaranteeing security.

These IT pros have usually to deal with tougher regulatory and compliance constraitns than other companies. But users request the same flexibility and need to work anywhere and using any device.

That’s why VDI is the most suitable technology and more and more agencies are implementing it.

Open Source Internet of Things tools for developers

Open Source Internet of Things tools for developers

The Internet of Things is now a technological trend and, according to the experts, it will continue to be like this for at least ten years.

Thus, developers turn their efforts towards this sector. If you are interested, here you are a list of Open Source platforms ans applications that will give you a hand with your projects:

Node-RED. It is a simple visualization tool that connects devices for the Internet of Things. The tool enables a piece of hardware, an API or on online service to be connected easily and quickly.

VMware extends unified hybrid cloud platform

VMware extends unified hybrid cloud platform

VMware is making a lot of announcements during VMworld 2015 held in San Francisco. Among them, innovations for the company’s unified hybrid cloud platform.

These new public cloud services and software-defined solutions will enable customers to build applications faster, improve IT security, recover from disasters and drive business value:

10 virtualization best practices which are bad advice

10 virtualization best practices which are bad advice

One can find lots of publications, comments and even conferences talking about virtualization best practices, but many authors don’t bear in mind that these tips change depending on the technology which is being used. In this article we provide some Citrix & VMware best practices that we should clarify not to become worst practices:

Best VDI solution, BriForum & Online Demo

Best VDI solution, BriForum & Online Demo

The election of UDS Enterprise as best on premise VDI solution by CRUE-TIC and RedIRIS, the BriForum conference which will be held this week in Denver and the availability of UDS Enterprise Online Demo have been the most outstanding topics in our blog for the last two weeks.

Below you can find the links to these articles in case you didn’t have the opportunity to read them:

UDS Enterprise chosen best On Premise VDI solution

BriForum Denver 2015

UDS Enterprise Online Demo released

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