Analyzing VDI performance

Analyzing VDI performance

Nowadays, IT administrators face the challenge of monitoring thousands of users accessing corporate environments at the same time 24×7. These users can be anywhere and they use a wide variety of devices. In this scenario, how can we catch performance issues before they happen?

One of the options is monitoring VDI workloads effectively. If admins know how a virtual dektops environment behaves, they can provide a better experience to end users.

Kali Linux Rolling Edition 2016.1 released

Kali Linux Rolling Edition 2016.1 released

The first Kali Linux Rolling Edition is available after 5 months of testing, featuring the stability of Debian together with the latest versions of many outstanding penetration testing tools created by the information security community.

This new model of release feeds continuously from Debian testing, so the kali-rolling repository will always hold the latest stable releases of monitored tools after 24-48 hours being released.

Open Source developers will meet at FOSDEM 2016

Open Source developers will meet at FOSDEM 2016

Thousands of Open Source and free software developers from all over the world will meet very soon at FOSDEM 2016 to share ideas, collaborate and discuss about latest and future trends.

This free event organized by and for the community will take place on Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 January 2016 in Brussels. The goal is to promote and widespread the use of free and Open Source software.

Critical OpenSSH vulnerability

Critical OpenSSH vulnerability

Security experts have discovered a critical vulnerability in OpenSSH which affects versions from 5.4 to 7.1 and it allows attackers to steal encrypted private keys.

A new OpenSSH version has been released to patch this vulnerability, so it is strongly recommended to update to this new release. Another option is to deactivate the vulnerable code adding “UseRoaming no” option in ssh_config file.

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